Solar Ultimate 600W Solar Package incl. MPPT Solar Controller – Charges Max 32A/hr @ 12V – Suits 12-24V Systems (ENE 600WP)


Package Incl. 4 x 150W Fixed Solar Panels + 45 Amp MPPT Solar Controller - 4 Stage Battery Charging
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Solar Ultimate - 600 Watt Solar Solar Package

Incl. 4 x 150W Fixed Solar Panels + 45 Amp MPPT Solar Controller

  600 Watt Solar Package - Charges Max 32A/hr

4 Stage Battery Charging - Charges 12VDC & 24VDC Systems)

(Incl. 4 x SP-EN150W + SR-TS-MPPT-45)

4 x Panel Size  1482 x 660mm each

Solar Panels with warranty for mobile installations.

Enerdrive solar panels are typically around 20+vdc open circuit and are well suited to 12v installations (or 24v by series connections of panels). The 150W panels have MC4 compatible solar cable connectors included.

With a mass of factories developing solar panels around the world, the biggest choice is ‘Where to buy” & even more importantly “What quality and support am I getting”. Staying with Enerdrive products throughout your entire solar system makes a single point contact for all things relating to solar products, warranty and importantly that same level of support that we have provided for many years with all Enerdrive products. If you buy from us you will ALWAYS be dealing with Enerdrive for warranty, and we won’t hide behind supplier warranty statements or clauses. Enerdrive’s volume will allow us to ensure that any quality or warranty issue can be dealt with LOCALLY.

Morningstar TriStar MPPT 45 amp Solar Panel Regulator  (SR-TS-MPPT-45)

Morningstar’s TriStar MPPT solar controller with TrakStar Technology™ is an advanced maximum power point tracking (MPPT) battery charger for off-grid  photovoltaic (PV) systems up to 3kW. The controller provides the industry’s highest  peak efficiency of 99% and significantly less power loss compared to other MPPT  controllers.

The TriStar MPPT features a smart tracking algorithm that maximizes the energy  harvest from the PV by rapidly finding the solar array peak power point with extremely  fast sweeping of the entire I-V curve. This product is the first PV controller to include  on-board Ethernet for a fully web-enabled interface and includes up to 200 days of data logging. 45 or 60 amps at up to 150 volts open circuit


  • Maximizes Energy Harvest
    • Better peak power point tracking than other MPPT controllers
    • Very fast sweeping of the entire I-V curve
    • Recognition of multiple power points during shading or mixed PV arrays
    • Excellent performance at sunrise and low solar insolation levels
  • Extremely High Reliability
    • Robust thermal design and no cooling fans
    • Parallel circuit design provides less stress and longer life for electronic components
    • No mechanical relays
    • Extensive electronic protections including PV short circuit protection
    • Epoxy encapsulated inductors and conformally coated printed circuit boards
  • Very High Efficiency
    • Peak efficiency of 99%
    • Proprietary tracking algorithm minimizes power losses
    • Low self-consumption
    • Continuous operation at full power to 45°C without need to de-rate
    • Selected electronic devices with higher ratings to minimize losses from heating
  • Extensive Networking and Communications Capabilities - Enables system monitoring, data logging and adjustability.
  • Metering and Data Logging


  • TriStar Digital Meter (SR-TS-M-2) for use with both TS and TS-MPPT Solar Controllers
    • Replaces the LED indicator light panel on the controller to give enable an LCD readout
    • The meter will display a great deal of information about the TriStar controller and the operation of your system. In addition, the meter enables manual functions and controller diagnostics. These capabilities will increase your confidence that the system is working properly and will help you to improve system reliability, battery life, and system performance. It is worth the time getting to know your meter!

  • TriStar Remote Digital Meter (SR-TS-RM-2) TriStar Remote Digital Meter for use with TS & TS-MPPT
    • The meter is compatible with the TriStar, TriStar MPPT, TriStar MPPT 600V, and MeterHub. It displays the same data as the TS-M-2, however, it does not mount to the controller. It ships with 10 meters of cable and a flat face plate for convenient mounting away from the controller. The meter enables manual functions and controller diagnostics. These capabilities will increase your confidence that the system is working properly and will help you to improve system reliability, battery life, and system performance.

  • TriStar Meter Hub (SR-Hub-1) Enable multiple solar controllers to share a single LCD meter and display both single and aggregated controller data.
    • Enables multiple controllers to share a single TriStar meter and display both single controller data (TriStar #1, TriStar #2…) as well as aggregated data for the entire system.
    • Enables multiple controllers to share a single Relay Driver and fully utilize all 4 channels of the Relay Driver for different functions (alarms, load disconnects, generator starts) from multiple products.
    • The MeterHub allows up to 15 Morningstar products on a single MeterBus network. The product electrically isolates devices that supply power to the network, preventing damage to the network in the event of grounding problems. Five status LED’s indicate the proper network connection to each port. The MeterHub is suitable for either wall or DIN rail mounting.

150W Solar Panel Specifications (each)

Max Power Pm(W) 150
Power Tolerance % ± 3%
Max Power Voltage Vm(V) 18.8
Max Power Current Im(A) 8.01
Open Circuit Voltage Voc(V) 24.0
Short Circuit Current Isc(A) 8.62
Max System Voltage (VDC) 1000
Dimensions (mm) 1482 x 660 x 35
Weight (kg) 12
Test Conditions 1000W/m² , AM1.5 , 25°C

Morningstar TriStar MPPT 45 Specifications

Weight 0.25 kg